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Spearheaded, Goal-oriented Software developer with 5+ years of experience specializing in Full-Stack development and Architecture. Gained experience in providing Engineering solutions to Top companies and immensely developed my skills as Software Architect, Technology Selector, Digital Influencer, and Innovator. Accelerated and lifted projects in MEAN /MERN / SEAN technologies. Responsible as a Head Of Software and IT by managing Technical Ecosystem of the company. Consistently cutting edge for endowing Sustainable development and Building Concrete Architecture for the Organizations.
Highly experienced as an innovative Problem-solver and as a contributor in providing Mobilized innovative solutions for the Advanced growth in technologies. Meticulously well-versed in coming up with strategies for Future Rapid Development and by providing reliable creative skills such as Front-end technology, Database, Development Languages, Server, and Designing.
Collaborated with various Startups as it guides me to Think Outside the box and also refines me with the Knowledge by initiating a Go-getter attitude as a competent Team Player. Cultivated both Technical and Human skills through Persistence and Result-driven perspective that formulated gingerly in sharpening my expertise as a Strategic Thinker.
“Learning is never ending process. “
“Technology keeps changing but not the logic, lay stress on logic and the technology will be in your hand. ”
“No is never an option. If you can’t someone can and he will, pull up yourself and do it today. ”
“New day New challenges and a whole new way to solve it. ”
“Pressure is a motivation to excel. ”
“Best way to deal with a problem is to solve it. ”
“Without a team, we are nothing... absolutely nothing...!!! I was always lucky to have an amazing team holding my back...thanks to all of them..!”